Capacity Measurement and Improvement

Capacity Measurement and Improvement
$18.00 each

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In a competitive economy, the effective use of capacity is critical. Unfortunately, there has been no universal approach to measuring the effectiveness of capacity use.

Authors: CAM-I Capacity Model Interest Group  

In a competitive economy, the effective use of capacity is critical. Unfortunately, there has been no universal approach to measuring the effectiveness of capacity use. The model explained in this book provides this missing tool. The model helps evaluate and change how companies use and plan capacity.

Capacity Measurement & Improvement shows how capacity measurement can be used to provide strategic information that can help managers improve the productivity of existing capacity and facilitate intelligent capital investment decisions.

The concepts of the capacity model came from work by H. L. Gantt, published in 1916, where he focused on identifying causes of variability and waste along with organizational responsibilities for capacity. This book puts these ideas into the current organizational environment.

"Capacity Measurement & Improvement" presents;

  1. A unique capacity model, researched and developed by CAM-I;
  2. Templates for application and implementation procedures;
  3. Straightforward definitions;
  4. Key point summaries and illustrations to facilitate reader understanding.

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